Flesh & Greed, is a Leger Film Production series based on the life of an up and coming musician and his shortcomings as he rises to the top. This will be aired on Zoe Rated TV/ Amazon FireTV and Roku, also known as the Netflix of the Caribbean.
Leger Film Studios – Boss Mogul “Gary Leger” is a great Producer with the Passion, Desire and Creativity to bring his Vision to life. Gary is about to embark on one of the most talented TV Series to hit Central Florida. It’s casts consists of a variety of talents across Florida who are all excited to be a part of this phenomenon in the making.
Here at Melanin Power we congratulate Leger Film Studios and producer Gary Leger for providing new talent the opportunity to showcase their experience and tenacity in being a part of soon to be released “Flesh and Greed.” The cast showed their ability to follow the direction of the producer and staff. It was an amazing time on set.
Celebrating with Cast and Crew!
Check out a sneak peak to savor your taste buds. Gary Leger of Leger Film Studios presents https://vimeo.com/733586477
I must say I had the opportunity to audition to be a part of this casting and we all wait with anticipation. The Auditions were set at a private location, the cast and crew on the set of Flesh and Greed were professional and everyone was treated with respect, grace and dignity. Gary leger was approachable, humble in character and knows what he’s looking for in making “Flesh and Greed a success, I think he’s hit the mark in making this happen. Melanin Power salutes you Mr. Leger for making positive moves and sharing it with hungry talented locals. Hey there’s Hollywood, ATL and now Orlando..
Stay Tuned!
Story by: Melanin Power – CEO Steph