100 Shades of Pink!

Melanin Power Shines the Spotlight on 2024 “100 Shades of Pink”

Please Note: I will NEVER be Capitalizing the “C” in cancer, it will have NO empowerment over anything in this article.

It was that time of year again where “100 Shades of Pink” held their 4th Annual cancer Event, honoring the Fabulous Survivors of all forms of cancer. This event was held last weekend October 20th 2024 in Brooklyn NY. A Phenomenal Woman by the name of Gracelia Joyette, known to many by just Grace, a name suitable for such a task at hand. Grace embarked on this journey over 4 years ago and though overwhelmingly challenging, she has formed Friendship that would last a lifetime.

Melanin Power had the opportunity to chat with Grace the Founder of “100 Shades of Pink” where the process of Seeking, Honoring and Awarding the Survivors at this Grand event every year started. These are Grace’s very own words. The pathway to “100 Shades of Pink” was and still is a challenge, but Grace is Purposely driven in getting it done every year. I present to you Grace..

Question: Why did you feel the need to start “100 Shades of Pink”?

Grace:  I started this event when cancer came knocking on my door, diagnosing my Mom of all people with Breast cancer. My entire worldview and life took a drastic change and felt the need to make a difference for others facing this same challenge, while giving my Mom the support she needed.

Question: The process of finding Survivors to honor must be both challenging and painful, mixed with compassion? How do you prepare yourself physically and mentally for such a task? (This is where I felt Grace’s pain and compassion)

Grace: Finding honorees is always the hard part, Survivors don’t like speaking up about what they’re going through, it’s never pretty, and not what they want others to know. There is usually no preparations that can factor in the drastic nightmares that they face. The pain of not knowing is seen on their faces, but they press on and press through.

Question: I was honored to attend last year’s event, I met some of the Strongest and Bravest Kings and Queens imaginable.  Some sadly who are no longer here with us. How do you cope when you lose an Honoree after creating such a bond with them?

Grace: When I lose one of my Honorees, simply put, I Break, it breaks me to the point of questioning, why continue? The reality is I have to for those that are depending on this event and what it brings to their lives. I will continue to give them their Flowers while they are here. The fact is I will never trade the look on their faces when honored for anything in the World.

This event takes alot of hard work and dedication, the day that it ends, is the day that the planning starts all over again for the following year. Grace has a supporting cast of friends and family that gets her through. She’s grateful for them and honors them as well.

Dream Team (L) Melanie (C) Janine (R) Ash

Above are Grace’s daughter (R) Ashlee and (L) Melanie, along with Co-Host Janine, they play such an important role in making this happen. Grace considers them her backbone and a major part of this team. Supporting their Mom brings them Joy and makes it possible for such an event to succeed, absolutely beautiful!

100 Shades of Pink has created everlasting Friendships, it has opened doors that so many have walked through. The fact that men come out Strong to support and be supported, shows the extent of this dreaded disease, because let’s face it, cancer has no gender, hats off to our male counterparts, we see you and we care.

As I wrap this up, it is truly my honor to have written this piece on such a Phenomenal Women, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to give you your flowers in all that you do….Thank You Grace!!

Melanin Power: Grace. May you continue to bring Joy to so many in a time of solace, may you be Bless with the Strength and Comfort needed to continue on this journey.* Please follow Grace’s journey below and support her in this Race in bringing Joy to Survivors of All types of cancers.. Again I say Thank you Beautiful. Please click like and share if this article touches you in any way.

For more of these beautiful and captivating pics, please follow the link below https://yessnyphotography.smugmug.com/EVENTS/2024-Events/Parties-2024/100-Shades-of-Pink-Brunch-10-20-2024-File-2-of-2

2 thoughts on “100 Shades of Pink!

  1. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL 😍. Having lost two cousins, and an Aunt on my father’s side of my Family from this dreadful disease, then having my older sister stricken, and thank God, a survivor 15+ years, the fight must continue. I honor and salute the brave men and women who are struggling with cancer, and the families who support them. We cannot give up, but must continue to move forward in the pursuit of finding a cure. To those we lost in the battle, may they R.I.P. 🌹 🌹 🌹

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